Paint and Refresh Wall To expand areas or create an accent wall for an eye-catching effect, choose light colors. For neat lines, use painter's tape; think about environmentally safe colors.
Rearrange Furniture Experiment with different layouts for better flow and functionality. Create focal points like a fireplace or artwork.
Update Lighting Fixture Swap old fixtures for budget-friendly options from thrift stores or online. Mix task, ambient, and accent lighting for a cozy atmosphere.
DIY Artwork Create your own art using canvas, paint, and stencils. Frame fabric or wallpaper remnants for an easy, affordable touch.
Repurpose and Upcycle Refresh old furniture with paint and new hardware. Use decoupage on tables or drawers for a unique look.
Textiles and Soft Furnishing To freshen a space, replace cushions, blankets, and carpets. For an eclectic mood, layer several textures and patterns.
Add Greenery Add low-maintenance plants such snake plants or succulents. Use imaginative planters using old furniture, baskets, or jars.
Declutter and Organize Make reasonably priced bin and basket investments for storage. Sell or donate goods you no longer use.